MPA Mortar part of the Mineral Products Association (MPA)

mpa mortar

quality factory-produced
mortar since 1971



June 2010

Return to render

With all the talk and media coverage about climate change and better thermal insulation for all sorts of buildings, including homes, it’s about time more thought was applied not to new housing but to our existing building stock.

With new build, better insulation can be designed in but what about the 25 per cent of our existing housing stock in the UK that is of a solid nine-inch brick construction? Few owners want to see bulky insulation added to internal walls so we need to look outside ourselves.

It’s here that factory-produced renders – with a suitable insulation board – can provide an attractive, cost-effective answer on the outside of buildings. Choose your colour, choose your finish and away you go. Well almost - but it is an answer more people will turn to in the future.


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